Wednesday, January 7

Black day for 'Satyam'

You would also feel the same if you are associated with Satyam in anyway.
I am - having picked up Satyam stocks when they were trading >400. Also, I have friends who are ex-Satyam employees.
The current value of the scrip is 37 :-( Today, it had lost 140 INR. My second experience in having a stock that nose-dived on a single day(First one was RCOM).

Rediff(other media also) has published the letter written by Chairman Raju to SEBI where he had stated that the balance sheet was his creative place to write down numbers he wanted to.
If this is the case with one (or ex) of the IT top-5, what abt the chottu-mottu companies ?
Why do we have Auditors who are paid astronomical fees, if they are neither independent nor reliable?

Well, as an individual, I have only 2 Questions in mind:
Should I buy at these low prices hoping a buy-back or take-over or exchange ?
Or keep quiet and expect it to settle in the long term on its own ?

What's ur suggestion?

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