Tuesday, September 23

The joy of learning

Here is an update on personal stuff - after a long time!

I am the type of person who is interested in studies, as the mere act of learning gives me pleasure! My friends made a joke out of my 'Tagged' post, when they saw a tick mark against studies while almost everyone else had ticked sports :-)

Coming straight to the point - I've enrolled for keyboard classes and thoroughly enjoying them. I'm yet to get mastery on fingering and play the keys like a typewriter sometimes!

Along with the keyboard, I am also unearthing few of my blind spots - i.e. the grey areas within me about which I had been unaware earlier. One of them is that my little finger is weak! I realised it when the ring finger comes to the rescue of little finger and plays the key marked to the latter! Now, as I type this post, I notice that my little fingers are not used for typing at all !

Music has been my favorite since childhood and I was reassured of this when I felt an overwhelming joy after playing my first rhyme 'Mary had a little lamb' last night on the keyboard!

Well, the tutor had given exercises to strengthen the fingers and I wish to play more in the coming days! I love learning :-)

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