Wednesday, April 2

In the journey of life...

I wanna be a globetrotter and visit 75% of the countries in my lifetime!
That's the objective of my being in the world and currently in the beautiful Netherlands. Though I had been to this country seven years ago, I did not realise the beauty of this palce.
After visiting the Dutch villages, the world famous windmills and the most lovely and beautiful Tulip gardens, I stand corrected on my views.
Another amazing factor is the cheese and milk products- never expected them to be as delicious as they are here! (Need to check my weight!)
Planning to write a few blogs on the sights and experience I am having in Holland!
Life is an enjoyable journey, isn't it?

1 comment:

Shrinidhi Hande said...

LIfe is indeed an enjoyable journey. Good luck and happy journey.