Let me clarify that this post is not about Beijing's beautiful and mammoth stadium. Its a ramble about one's house!
Read in today's Times Of India that the area around Ranganathittu has been flooded as water has been released from the KRS dam. Having visited the birds only weeks ago, I was wondering what those birds will be doing. It seems to be funny that most nests donot have a roof! How will then they protect themselves from nature's different forces?
Humankind is no different - we prefer different types, styles of houses. The human civilization made a giant leap forward when settlements started and people built a roof above their heads and stopped being nomads. But the basic needs might have been to seek protection from the forces of nature and enemies. We have progressed beyond boundaries from there. Before long time ago, buildings and land got transformed into real estate and today, it is one of the prime reasons for recession! Unlike birds, we have to pay rentals to make use of some body's house, unfortunately :-(
But the basic difference is that we want a home where we belong to and part of our sharing, caring and serves as one's own kingdom! The problem starts when this passion turns into possession and money becomes the foundation of the building called house!
Refer my earlier post on owning a house @ http://laddoo-thinks.blogspot.com/2006/12/buying-home.html
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