Some answers & some questions that pop up in my mind take the physical err electronic form in this blog... Do u have similar Qs or answers for any of these Qs ? Do let me know...
Sunday, September 28
Expectations in a relationship!
I am a bit confused today!
Relationships have always confused me !
I realise this mainly during the troubled times!
It takes time to define a relationship, its nature and objective. Only time can tell about the longevity of a relationship and if it is successful or not and if it is ongoing or not!
And then, there are a few which fall on neither sides in both categories. We don't know sometimes if a relationship is alive and kicking or if it has ended successfully or not!
Humans are amazing - not only because each one is unique, but also each heart and mind store infinite feelings and thoughts about people and relationships with them.
We get hurt when our feelings are not acknowledged or in other words, when our expectations are not met! Feelings arise from the heart.
From where do expectations arise?
And a more critical question is - Do we have control on our expectations?If yes, to what extent?
Is spirituality a search to answer these questions?
Many religions and philosophies seem to be against expectations in a relationship!The core principle of Buddhism is to have no expectations which is also the basis for almost every other religion as well.
BhagvadGita dictates one to do the duties without worrying/expecting the results!
But, is it easily humane to be without expectations in one's deeds or in a relationship?
And my bigger question is : If there is no expectation, what defines a relationship and how does one differentiate a relationship from another?
Friday, September 26
Points to ponder!
I decided to calculate my BMI (body mass Index) to figure out my health vitals.
In one of the sites,, I found this pearl of wisdom :-)
Women tend to imagine their ideal weight is unrealistically low, so they diet unnecessarily. Men tend to allow their ideal weight to be higher than medically recommended. Men and Women should learn from each other.
Tuesday, September 23
The joy of learning
I am the type of person who is interested in studies, as the mere act of learning gives me pleasure! My friends made a joke out of my 'Tagged' post, when they saw a tick mark against studies while almost everyone else had ticked sports :-)
Coming straight to the point - I've enrolled for keyboard classes and thoroughly enjoying them. I'm yet to get mastery on fingering and play the keys like a typewriter sometimes!
Along with the keyboard, I am also unearthing few of my blind spots - i.e. the grey areas within me about which I had been unaware earlier. One of them is that my little finger is weak! I realised it when the ring finger comes to the rescue of little finger and plays the key marked to the latter! Now, as I type this post, I notice that my little fingers are not used for typing at all !
Music has been my favorite since childhood and I was reassured of this when I felt an overwhelming joy after playing my first rhyme 'Mary had a little lamb' last night on the keyboard!
Well, the tutor had given exercises to strengthen the fingers and I wish to play more in the coming days! I love learning :-)
Thursday, September 18
An insightful statement
Warren E. Buffet while referring to reckless corporate debt mentioned "You never know who is swimming naked until the tide goes out."
I'm sure many would be able to appreciate this insight in today's context. The financial global meltdown has exposed or started exposing the bare bodies which may not be a pleasant experience, to put it mildly! And remember that Buffet had made this statement, decades ago!!
Well, just wanted to point out that the above statement seems appropriate in many contexts, exactly like a proverb!
Tuesday, September 16
Who owns Kashmir?
An ingenious example of speech and politics occurred recently in the United Nations Assembly that made the world community smile.
A representative from India began: 'Before beginning my talk I want to tell you something about Rishi Kashyap of Kashmir, after whom Kashmir is named.When Rishi Kashyap struck a rock and it brought forth water, he thought, 'What a good opportunity to have a bath.'He took off his clothes, put them aside on the rock and entered the water.When he got out and wanted to dress, his clothes had vanished. A Pakistani had stolen them.
The Pakistani representative jumped up furiously and in support of Pakistan, he shouted, 'What are you talking about? The Pakistanis weren't there then.'
The Indian representative smiled and said, 'And now that we have made that clear, I will begin my speech'
Friday, September 12
Laugh out loud!
Here is a forwarded mail that sent me into splits :-)
If you have seen any Vijayakanth movie, that is an additional motivation!!
1) U can study and get any certificates. But u cannot get ur death certificate
2) U may have AIRTEL or BSNL connection but when u sneeze u ll say HUTCH
3 ) U can bcome an engineer if u study in engineering college. U cannot bcom a president if u studies in Presidency College
4 ) U can expect a BUS from a BUS stop ... u cannot expect a FULL from FULL stop
5) A mechanical engineer can bcom a mechanic but a software engineer cannot bcom a software
6 ) U can find tea in teacup. But cannot find world in world cup
7) U can find keys in Keyboard but u cannot find mother in motherboard.
Wednesday, September 10
Rage of Angels - A review
About the book: This bestseller was first published in 1980 and getting reprinted till date and one of the best works by Sheldon.
Plot: The story of Jennifer Parker, an Assistant District Attorney for the State of New Yorkyoung and successful lawyer who is loved by two men belonging to opposite poles and opposing each each other - one a senator and the other, a mafia don. This tale is about her survival in New York city, against all odds.
What I liked most: Jennifer's strong character and determination to succeed. The way she challenges the system and her inner struggle when she falls in love with married men, one after another and goes on to mother a child without having to reveal his father!
The book is an interesting read its difficult to put it down even when the eyes are tired. Also, the reader gets to know about certain elements of US judicial system.
I find it difficult to believe
- that her first enemy, District Attorney De Silva did not obstruct her after her first thumping victory.
- that Adam Warner goes on to become the President in a short while, similar to Bollywood flicks :-)
Summary: Suggested for light reading, time-pass and general reading pleasure.
Tuesday, September 2
Resort & Weekend getaway from Bangalore
To celebrate my recovery, we gathered a few friends and made a day trip to a cave resort called Guhantara in the outskirts of Bangalore- on the Kanakapura road. It is 30 Kms from HSR layout and around 50 Kms from Indirangar.4 couples and 3 kids made it in 2 cars on sunday morning and after a slow long drive, we reached the resort by 10 am. The last 3 km was a rollercoaster ride as there were no roads inside the forest-village. Another resort by name 'Angana' is also located on the way. Thanks to the monsoons, the place wore a lush green and wet look.
We had registered earlier for a day full of activity. The entrance resembled a cave and after payments, we were taken through a tunnel the interiors of which were of mud and gave a rocky feeling. The kids were thrilled with the dim light, sunlight peeping through the holes and made sounds to highlight the effect. After a 300m walk, we were led into a central room which had dinner tables made out of logs and lots of people. I would have thought for a moment that we entered a theatre, if not for the breakfast buffet counters. An artificial waterfall with a small pool of water formed the centre and against this backdrop, there were seating arrangements done like a theatre. Little did we know that our sunday would be spent in that area!
After tea, we proceeded to the play-area which had Table tennis at the corner of a cave. the table was broken and a half was lower than the other!The place was poorly lit. Still, 4 of us played TT for sometime and the rest were engaged with the dartboard which had only 3 arrows to throw! Though there was a snooker table, a board that read 'Only professionals allowed' kept us away. 3 carom boards were available for the kids. After half an hour of play, we decided to venture out to the open. Came out of the cave and realised that the entire play area was not more than 3000 sq.ft. And including us, appx. 400 persons are to enjoy the resort facilities.
Only the beach volley ball has an earmarked area, there were no cricket pitches, but 3-4 teams were already playing - some with their own bat and balls! We had to wait to get hold of shuttle rackets and played amidst fielding. Within a few minutes, the resort guy came demanding the rackets and asked all 8+3 of us to play with a single frisbee. When I refused to return the rackets, he told me that two women from our group are playing shuttle elsewhere. Inspite of me telling him that they did not belong to our group, he insisted that we play frisbee. But where?
We whiled away the time and got into volleyball by noon. Two other women joined us and we had a match. After that, again the question what next? Thankfully, the resort had organised events like tug of war, singing competition, housie etc to retain people in the auditorium and keep them engaged.
Another shock was that the swimming pool is the same as the small waterfall pool which had a rocky base! We waited for lunch and it turned out be average. It was very spicy for some of us and the housie kept us engaged. Post lunch, when it is difficult to move around, the singing competition started. It was raining out and we spent some time playing dumb charades, swing, slide etc. The auditorium also served as the rain dance area and it started by 3.30 pm and went on for an hour. Meanwhile, we slipped into the pool and played in water. We timed it just before the rain dance got over for the shower. High tea was served and time to say bye and left by 5 pm!
Well, overall, its a small place and definitely lacks sporting facilities. There were many corporate teams having their day-outing and having fun. But, this place is definitely not worth the money we pay, which is Rs.650 per head for a day!
Pictures available in the above website.